Family Trees

Family Trees
These trees trace the descendants of our ancestors.
Geoff’s tree traces people who came to Australia in a number of waves. One group arrived in NSW and some of those moved to Queensland. Others went straight to North Queensland. Most came from England, some from Scotland and some from Ireland. Why did they come? Why did they move when and to where they did?
Geoff’s tree index page. Helen’s tree index page
The trees show only people the program thinks are no longer living.
Getting started. Use the index page (see note below) to find and click on a person of interest. The format of each page is the same. At the top is a ‘context’ diagram with the person being focused on (the focal person) in pink on the leftish side. That person’s ancestors (parents, grand-parents) are to the right and descendants (children) to the right. Any spouses are below. Crosses in a person’s box show the number of marriages. Lines link people. Lines going off the sides indicate more people - descendants to the left; ancestors to the right. You can click on any person with blue text to go to their page.
Under the ‘context diagram’ there are photos (if we have any). Under that is a table showing all relatives of the focal person. (This can be quite lengthy.) Recall, only non-living people are shown. Under that is a table showing events in the focal person’s life.
We have used iFamily on our Macs to gather and build the trees. They are also published on and cut down versions on Genes Reunited and Gen circles.
Note on the index page of family names. At the top of this page are family names in brackets, eg (WILLIS). These are people for whom we know only first names and not family names. They are usually women who we have found in the census records. In the diagram above, both Dorothy (GREY) and Mary (WILLIS) are examples. We don’t yet know their names, but only the names of their spouses. Ignore these bracketed family names in the index.
If you have comments, corrections or additions, contact Geoff on g.bell at bigpond dot net dot au
or Helen on h.bell at bigpond dot net dot au
If our extensive research has helped you, why not donate something to help with our research.
Family Trees