The Tumut and Adelong Times 20 Jun 1939
One by one the sterling native born of Tumut district are passing on, leaving the world enriched because of their having lived in it. The last to join the Great Majority is Mr. Thomas French, of "Bulluwayarra," Brungle, whose death took place at his home on Friday last, at the age of 71 years. Deceased was the second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry French, his mother's maiden name being Johanna Kiley, of Red Hill Station, and was born at the old family homestead, "Bulluwayarra," on March 23, 1871, and lived there all his life, following grazing and dairying pursuits. On April 20, 1904, he married Margaret McKinnon eldest daughter of the late Archibald McKinnon, of Spring Creek, and of Mrs. McKinnon, now of Gundagai. The family consisted of two daughters and three sons, one of the latter dying in infancy. The daughters are Stella (Mrs. E. J. Clout, To morroma) and Dorothy (Mrs. D. E. Twomey, Tumut), and the sons Archibald Edward and Harold Gordon, of Bulluwayarra. The surviving sisters are Annie (Mrs. R. Clee, Gocup), Margaret (Mrs. Dunne, Gunning), Katherine (Mrs. I. Piper, Tumut), Mary (Mrs. W. McDonell, Cootamundra), and brothers Henry (Tumut), Maurice (Bankstown) and Matthew (Brungle). One sister, Johanna, and one brother, Daniel, predeceased him, the latter only two months ago. To within six months of his demise he was in vigorous health; and then It commenced to fail. He then went to seek medical advice in Sydney and remained there in hospital until a fortnight ago when he returned home with no prospect of recovery and passed away peacefully on Friday night at 9 o'clock. Deceased was a fine type of sturdy Scot, with a lovable personality, a kindly neighbor, thoughtful for others' welfare and welldoing, a devoted husband and an indulgent father. He held the esteem of all with whom he came in contact and his legion of friends sympathise with the mourners in their irreparable loss. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon last, the cortege wending its way to the Presbyterian portion of the Tumut New Cemetery, Rev. Donald M. Baird officiating at the graveside and Mr. C. W. Burt directing the mortuary arrangements. The casket-bearers were Messrs. Dan. Twomey (son-inlaw), M. N. Kiley (cousin), Thomas Byrne, H. Webb, A. Stuckey and C. W. Burt. The following is a list of the wreaths:—From his own family, his three little granddaughters, Mrs. Harry Hill and children, Arch, and Kath., all at ''Rosemount," Matt., Kate and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bassett, Percy and Doreen; Annie, Mary and Dan; Mack, Don. and Bede; Mrs. Byrne and family; Mr. and Mrs. Shedden and family; Mother and Elsie; Russell family, Red Hill Station; Yee Hing and Co.; Walter and Muriel Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Learmont and family; Walter and Mrs. Frost; Mrs. Twomey and family; Tim, Amy and family; Maurice, Peggie and family; Mary and family, Tumut; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Frost; Mr. and Mrs. Fred. L. Baker and family; Mr. and Mrs. Henry French. |