William Joseph O'MARA (1891 - 1935)
Children Self + Spouses Parents Grandparents Greatgrandparents
William Joseph O'MARA (1891 - 1935)


Aileen Alice MULLERY (1890 - 1927)
Michael O'MARA (1853 - 1926) James Nathaniel O'MARA (1810 - 1883)

Catherine ENGLISH (1831 - 1899)

Ellen Agnes COONEY (1860 - 1942)

b. 1891 at Berremangra, New South Wales, Australia
m. 1920 Aileen Alice MULLERY (1890 - 1927) at Petersham, New South Wales, Australia
d. 1935 aged 44
Michael O'MARA (1853 - 1926)
Ellen Agnes COONEY (1860 - 1942)
Siblings (5):
Owen Cooney O'MARA (1892 - 1916)
Michael Phillip O'MARA (1897 - 1957)
Lawrence Cullen O'MARA (1899 - 1944)
James Vincent O'MARA (1902 - 1972)
Phillip Augustus O'MARA (1905 - 1961)
Events in William Joseph O'MARA (1891 - 1935)'s life
Date Age Event Place Notes Src
1891 William Joseph O'MARA was born Berremangra, New South Wales, Australia
1920 29 Married Aileen Alice MULLERY (aged 30) Petersham, New South Wales, Australia
1926 35 Death of father Michael O'MARA (aged 73) Gundagai, New South Wales, Australia 63
1927 36 Death of wife Aileen Alice MULLERY (aged 37)
1935 44 William Joseph O'MARA died
Source References:
63. Type: Web Page, Abbr: Trove, Title: Trove National Library of Australia, Locn: http://trove.nla.gov.au/
- Reference = The Tumut and Adelong Times 23 Nov 1926 (Name, Notes)

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