He was tragically killed in a fall from the Wharf on the the Brisbane River.
The Brisbane Courier Monday 16 October 1882
"THE tidings that Charles Dudfield, for many years master of the missionary schooner Ellengowan, was drowned in the river on Saturday right, will be received with deep regret by all who knew him. It is not known with any degree of certainty how the mis- fortune occurred, but it appears that the deceased, after going on board the cutter yacht Florence, which was moored at Parbury's Eagle-street wharf, on Saturday night, had kindled a fire to make some tea or coffee, and after his repast went to bed below, leaving the fire smouldering. About 11 o'clock the fire began to burn brightly, and some one called out " fire." It is surmised that deceased, being suddenly awakened, rushed on deck and fell overboard, for immediately after the cry the watchman on the wharf and the carpenter of the Garnoch, which was berthed near, heard a splash and saw someone struggling in the water. They ran to the cutter and threw a line to the drown ing man, but it proved to be too short. They then severed one of the lines which held the cutter, in order that she might swing round to him, but the unfortunate man disappeared before this could be done. It was then ascertained that Dudfield was missing. The matter was at once reported to the police, who dragged the river for the body until 3 o'clock in the morning, but without success. The operations were resumed at 9 a.m yesterday, but still without success. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning the fireman on board the steam launch Vigilant, moored at the Queen's wharf, saw the body of a man floating past. The body was seemed and taken to the morgue, where it was afterwards identified as that of Charles Dudfield. The deceased was a married man. and his wife is at present residing at Cooktown. He arrived in Brisbane last Friday week by the Corea for the purpose of taking charge of the new cutter-yacht Florence, recently launched by Mr. . McCleer, for Captain Craig, of Cooktown. He took deliveiy of her on Friday, and had her taken to the wharf where the accident occurred. He intended starting for Cooktown with her at once, having engaged two men go on board the cutter yesterday. He was a fine robust man of about 40 years of age." |