Fredericka (Riggy) PETERSEN (1879 - 1967)
Children Self + Spouses Parents Grandparents Greatgrandparents
Fredericka (Riggy) PETERSEN (1879 - 1967) Heinrick Kam PETERSEN ( - 1919) John Peter PETERSEN

Rasmina Jorgenline PETERSEN (1854 - 1887) John PETERSEN


b. 1879 at Denmark
d. 1967 aged 88
Heinrick Kam PETERSEN ( - 1919)
Rasmina Jorgenline PETERSEN (1854 - 1887)
Siblings (9):
John Peter PETERSEN (1883 - 1961)
John Frederick William MARTIN (1888 - 1954)
Henry Kam PETERSEN (1890 - )
Rasmina Dorothea PETERSEN (1891 - 1958)
Bertha Matilde PETERSEN (1893 - )
Frederick PETERSEN (1895 - 1896)
Ida Isabell PETERSEN (1897 - 1897)
Lawrence Yallund PETERSEN (1899 - 1899)
Frederick Dixon PETERSEN (1907 - )
Events in Fredericka (Riggy) PETERSEN (1879 - 1967)'s life
Date Age Event Place Notes Src
1879 Fredericka (Riggy) PETERSEN was born Denmark
25 Jul 1887 8 Death of mother Rasmina Jorgenline PETERSEN (aged 32) Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia 1887/C3527
1919 40 Death of father Heinrick Kam PETERSEN Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia 1919/C6086 18
1967 88 Fredericka (Riggy) PETERSEN died

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