The Tumut and Adelong Times 12 Apr 1932
OBITUARY MR. G. BRUCE The death occurred on Saturday night of one of the oldest and most highly esteemed residents of Wagga, Mr George Bruce, of Morgan-st. Up to a few months ago Mr. Bruce was in his usual good health, and took a keen interest in the progress of the town. About seven weeks ago, however, he entered the Wagga District Hospital where an operation was performed. Although this was successful, heart trouble supervened and he died, as stated, at the age of 74. Born at Sydney, Mr. Bruce who was the son of the late John and Jessie Bruce, went to Adelong, where he was educated at the Adelong public school. At the age of 16 years he went to Wagga and was immediately apprenticed to the wellknown firm of C. Hardy and Co., and was, with the exception of two years in which he was in business as a contractor on his own behalf, associated with that firm for 54 years. During that time he was engaged in the erection of practically every public building in the town, notably the Mt. Erin Convent, the Wagga District Hospital, Lewisham Hospital, the Court House, the Post Office, the Masonic Hall, churches, etc. It was during the erection of the original convent that Mr. Bruce met with a serious accident, resulting in both arms being broken, and which put him out of action for six months. Mr. Bruce was foreman in charge practically of all the big jobs mentioned. He was one of the most respected artisans in Wagga and in every way a splendid man. Not only was he a loyal and valued member of the staff, he was also a wholly efficient worker and was held in the highest esteem by the principals of the firm, Messrs Charles and Harry Hardy. He was one of the oldest members of the Wagga lodge of the Manchester Unity I.O.O.F., being initiated 58 years ago. Always a lover of band music, he was a playing member of the Wagga Brass Band for many years, and was also vice-presdent and trustee up till last year. Mr. Bruce was married to Jane Keith, at Gundagai, in 1880, and besides the widow, a family of three sons and three daughters survive, George (Albury), Allan (Bexley), and Don (Wagga), and Mrs. George H. Paterson (Wagga), Mrs. A. E. Collins (Young), and Mrs. A. Menz (Humula). Two sons, Jack and Charles, paid the supreme sacrifice in the Great War. There are 24 grand children. A son, Claude, died at the age of 17 years, and two other children died in infancy. Brothers of the deceased are Messrs Charles Bruce (Wagga), Albert (Woy Woy), and William (Junee), while there are two stepsisters, Blanche and Edith, both of Sydney. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, the cortege moving at that hour, after a brief service, from St. Andrew's Church for the Presbyterian portion of the Wagga cemetery. |