Mary Ellen STURGESS (1864 - 1938)
Children Self + Spouses Parents Grandparents Greatgrandparents
George Francis FINN (1888 - )
Ellen Mary FINN (1889 - )
Mary Ellen STURGESS (1864 - 1938)


Thomas Francis FINN (1863 - 1941)
George STURGESS (1818 - 1904)

Hannah “Fanny” WOOLDRIDGE (1838 - 1884)

b. 05 Jan 1864 at Tumut, New South Wales, Australia
m. 20 Aug 1886 Thomas Francis FINN (1863 - 1941) at Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
d. 31 Dec 1938 at Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia aged 74
George STURGESS (1818 - 1904)
Hannah “Fanny” WOOLDRIDGE (1838 - 1884)
Siblings (5):
Kate STURGESS (1860 - )
Ellen STURGESS (1867 - )
Charles W STURGESS (1869 - )
Teresa STURGESS (1871 - )
Thomas STURGESS (1873 - 1945)
Children (2):
George Francis FINN (1888 - )
Ellen Mary FINN (1889 - )
Events in Mary Ellen STURGESS (1864 - 1938)'s life
Date Age Event Place Notes Src
05 Jan 1864 Mary Ellen STURGESS was born Tumut, New South Wales, Australia 71
1884 20 Death of mother Hannah “Fanny” WOOLDRIDGE (aged 46) Adelong, New South Wales, Australia
20 Aug 1886 22 Married Thomas Francis FINN (aged 23) Sydney, New South Wales, Australia St Mary's 71
1888 24 Birth of son George Francis FINN Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia 71
29 Sep 1889 25 Birth of daughter Ellen Mary FINN Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia 71
1904 40 Death of father George STURGESS (aged 86) Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
31 Dec 1938 74 Mary Ellen STURGESS died Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia 71
Death of son George Francis FINN Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia 71
Personal Notes:
The Tumut and Adelong Times 3 Jan 1939
OBITUARY MRS. THOMAS FINN The death occurred in the Wagga Base Hospital early on Sat urday morning of a well known and very highly respected resident of Wagga for many years in the person of Mrs. Mary Ellen Finn at the age in St. Mary's, Newtown, Sydney, Finn, of 196 Fitzmaurice-Street, Wagga, after a short illness. She was born at Batlow and was married in St. Mary's, Newtown, Sydney, on December 30, 1886. She was the third daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Sturgess, of Batlow. Mrs. Finn is survived by a husband one son, Mr. George Finn, of Gumly and one daughter, Mrs. Edward Davis (Ellen Mary), of 196 Fitzmaurice-Street, Wagga, nine grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. She also leaves two brothers, Mr. Charles Sturgess, of Fitzmauricestreet, Wagga, and Mr. Thomas Sturgess, of Gilmore, and three sisters, Matron K. Murrell, of Brisbane, Mrs. Nellie Counahan, also of Brisbane, and Mrs. T. Thompson, of Edward-Street, Wagga. Mrs. Finn was an ardent supporter of the Labor movement and was one of the foundation members of the women's branch of the A.L.P. She favoured the abolishment of capital punishment and took a resolution on this question to the conference in Sydney where it was made a plank in Labor's platform. She is credited with being the first woman to record her vote in Wagga. Mrs. Finn was very much attached to her home and was of a retiring disposition. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, the cortege leaving St. Michael's Cathedral Wagga, at 2.30 p.m. for the Wagga cemetery. Prior to leaving the church the Rev. Father Glover said prayers. The cortege was a large and very representative one, and included relatives and friends from very distant parts, such as Brisbane, Batlow, Tumut, Gumly Gumly, North Wagga, showing the great respect and esteem in which the late Mrs. Finn was held by all who knew her. Interment took place in the Catholic portion of the Wagga Cemetery and the carriers were Messrs. E. Davis, J. Davis, C. Thompson, A. M'Crone, T. Finn jr. (grandsons) and Mr. Dowell, of Batlow (friend). The pall bearers were Messrs. J. Bateman, A. Bateman, W. Miles, B. Pulver, M. Reineker, T. Grist, N. Dean and A. Hipgraves. There was a very large number of beautiful tributes sent by relatives and friends from Tumut, Gumly and Wagga, and messages of sympathy were received from friends in Sydney and Brisbane as well as those districts mentioned. The floral tray was carried by Messrs. T. Sturgess (brother) and Greg. Mackins (cousin).The Rev. Father Glover officiated at the graveside, where the chief mourners and friends present were those mentioned above and her bereaved husband, Mr. Tho mas Finn, Mr. and Mrs. George Finn (son and daughter-in-law), Mrs E. Davis (daughter), Mr. and Mrs. T. Sturgess, Mr. C. Sturgess, Mr. C. Sturgess (brothers and sisterin-law), Mrs. K. Craft (niece), Mr. G. Mackins (cousin), Mr. Clyde Thompson (nephew), Mr. and Mrs. T. Finn jr., Mr., and Mrs. T. Grist, Mr. and Mrs. Len Walsh, Mr. E. Davis jr., Mr. J. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. A. M'Crone, Miss M. Davis (grandsons and grand-daughters), and a large number of very old friends. Mr. 13. Davis (son-in-law) was unable to attend owing to illness.
Source References:
63. Type: Web Page, Abbr: Trove, Title: Trove National Library of Australia, Locn: http://trove.nla.gov.au/
- Reference = The Tumut and Adelong Times 3 Jan 1939 (Name, Notes)
71. Type: Book, Abbr: Wagga Pioneers, Title: Pioneers of Wagga Wagga and District, Auth: Wagga Wagga & District Family History Society Inc, Publ: Wagga Wagga & District Family History Society Inc, Date: 2004, Locn: http://www.waggafamilyhistory.org.au/
- Reference = 116 (Marriage)
- Reference = 116 (Name, Notes)
- Reference = 117 (Death)
- Reference = 117 (Birth)

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