The Tumut and Adelong Times 9 Oct 1928
WEDDING HARGREAVES— BUTZ On Saturday, 20tli September, the wedding took place at the R.C. Church, Batlow, of Miss Mary Hel ene (Mollie) Butz, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butz, of Bat low, with Mr. Alan Hargreaves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hargreaves, of Tu mut. Rev. Fr. Devine, of Adelong, officiated at a Nuptial Mass, assisted by the choir. The bride entered the church, which was well filled, on the arm of her father, who gave her away. She looked very charming in dainty dress of white crepe-dechine with georgette sleeves, and beaded skirt caught by diamente buckle, and wore a wreath and veil of Brussels net lace, the latter lent by her sister, Mrs. Ford, of New Zea land. Miss Ursula Butz, sister of the bride, was chief bridesmaid, and wore a dress of pale rose georgette, with biscuit colored hat trimmed witli a pink rose, and shoes to tone. Miss Margaret Hargreaves, sister of tlie bridegroom, was second brides maid, and won; a dress of lemon georgette, with hat of pink tulle, and shoes to tone. Each carried a bou quet. of white roses and lily of the valley, draped with white tulle, the gift of Mrs. Brighton of Newcastle. Mr. Athol Hargreaves, of Cumnock, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and Mr. Charlie Butz, brother. of the bride, groomsmau. Mrs. H.; Butz wore . a haudsome dress of navy marocain, relieved with putty, and black hat, and carried a bouquet of red ranunculus. Mrs. Hargreaves wore a handsome dress of' black meteor, heavily beaded with jet. The church was very prettily decorated with flowers, largely consisting of arum lilies, and during the service Miss Kathleen O'Grady played 'Ave Maria' on the violin. The happy couple left the church to the strains of the 'Wedding March,' played by Sister Mary Clemence. A reception was held at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Butz, where over 50 persons sat down to a most sumptuous wedding breakfast. The health of the bridal couple was proposed by Fr. Devine, and responded to by the bridegroom, who also pro posed ''The bridesmaids.' This toast was replied to by the best man. Mr. G. B. Wilkinson then proposed 'The Parents,' to which Mr. O. J. Blitz replied on behalf of his own and his brother-in-law's parents. The toasts concluded with 'Fr. Devine,' by Mr. Delia Valle, to which the rev. chair man duly responded. The bride travelled in a dress of delphinium blue, with black hat, and shoes to tone. The honeymoonis to be spent' in Sydney, then to Adelaide , and Melbourne via Broken Hill. Their first home will be in Griffith for a while, as Mr. Hargreaves is on : the relieving staff of the Goulburn Railway District. There was a big i crowd at the station to see them off to the echoes of detonators and cock a-doodle-doo of the engine. The bride's presents were numerous and beautiful, and included several cheques. The bridegroom's gift to. the , : . bride was a set of xylonitebrushes, and::to; the two -bridesmaids he. gave Ursula , a gold brooch set: with tourmalines, and a wristlet: watch to Miss Hargreaves. The bride's gift to the . 'bridegroom was a travelling bag. |