The Tumut Advocate 8 Oct 1907
Death of Mrs. Alexander Brownlie. On Sunday morning last, at her residence, Yarrangobilly, at the ripe old age of 89 years, one of our oldest and most respected pioneers, in the person of Providence Brownlie, the worthy and trusty wife of the hardiest veteran of the mountains, Mr. Alexander Brownlie, passed away to her well deserved rest. The cause of death is attributed to (the bane of population) inflenza, with blood poisoning supervening. When her death occurred the poor husband fainted off, and fell gasping from his chair. The deceased was one whom all tourists and travellers knew as a woman with a large heart and unbounded benevolence, and no one who passed Brownlie's need leave without sharing their hospitality. The name of Brownlie is truly a household word. The worthy husband in his earlier days secured a large area in a (then) untractable region, and the subject of our obituary was a big factor to his success. She was a woman of a good christian character. On one occasion, in a business matter with the writer, she was asked her christian name, when she replied : " Providence, and Mr—— if you trust in providence you will always be right." However, the pall has fallen over the remains of a good old soul, and may she receive in another region the joys denied her here. Her principal years of life ended in the wild wilderness, and well did she fulfil her mission. She leaves behind her one son (Mr. J. Jemmett, of Adelong) by her first husband, and one daughter (Mrs. Walter Hoad, of Yarrangobilly Caves. Mrs. D. McCallum predeceased her. The two latter were to her first husband. The funeral took place yesterday, the remains being interred in the Yarrangobilly cemetery. We tender the bereaved ones our deepest condolence. |