The Tumut and Adelong Times 28 Aug 1928
DEATH OF MR. JACK WHITE Adelong and district folk will regret to hear of the death of Mr . Jack White, formerly of Adelong, who passed away in Sydney a few days ago. No family here was better known a few years hence than the White's, who were resident from the early days of the goldfield, till they decided to make their home in Sydney. The late Mr. White, and his father also, were Superintendents of the Methodist Sunday School for nearly half a century between them, giving their time each Sunday for the benefit of the children. Mr. White was one of the unfortunate party of tributers in Perkins' shaft in the Gibraltar Gold Mine, in fact he was the last one of the party alive. The tribute was in what was known as Ross's winze, and, although the men did not know it at the time, it was a veritable death trap. The circulation of the air was bad, and the men were continually breathing fine dust into their lungs. Most of the members were big strapping men, and, strange to say, Mr. White was the weakest looking one of the lot, yet he lived the longest. It was not till some time after the mine was worked out that the had symptoms of dusted lungs made their unwelcome presence known, and one by one the men passed away. The party consisted of Alf Farrington, John Ross. James Scott, W. Scott. Harry Murphy, Joe Cochrane, John Parker and Jack White— all of whom have passed away. The late Mr. White married Miss Haywood, of Sharp's Creek, and their family was born in Adelong, and are now quite grown up. They and their mother are left to mourn the loss of a good father and husband . |