Geoffrey Charles BARLOW (1907 - )
Children Self + Spouses Parents Grandparents Greatgrandparents
Geoffrey Charles BARLOW (1907 - )


Annie Sybil SMITH (1907 - 1993)

b. 1907
+. Annie Sybil SMITH (1907 - 1993)
Near Relatives of Geoffrey Charles BARLOW (1907 - )
Relationship Person Born Birth Place Died Death Place Age
Father in Law Francis Stanley SMITH 1872 Majorca, Victoria, Australia 1950 Mawth, Victoria, Australia 78
Mother in Law Ellen Ann YOUNG 1880 Sago Hill, Victoria, Australia 1960 Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 80

Self Geoffrey Charles BARLOW 1907

Spouse/Partner Annie Sybil SMITH 1907 Majorca, Victoria, Australia 1993 86

Brother in Law Francis Robert SMITH 1902 1964 62
Sister in Law Gladys Isabella SMITH 1904 Majorca, Victoria, Australia 1948 Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 44
Events in Geoffrey Charles BARLOW (1907 - )'s life
Date Age Event Place Notes Src
1907 Geoffrey Charles BARLOW was born
1993 86 Death of wife Annie Sybil SMITH (aged 86) Note 1
Note 1: Ancestry tree - direct decendant