Margaret Hume HAMILTON (1919 - 2006)
Children Self + Spouses Parents Grandparents Greatgrandparents
Margaret Hume HAMILTON (1919 - 2006)


Brian Edmund Antill POCKLEY (1916 - 1998)

b. 1919
+. Brian Edmund Antill POCKLEY (1916 - 1998)
d. 2006 aged 87
Near Relatives of Margaret Hume HAMILTON (1919 - 2006)
Relationship Person Born Birth Place Died Death Place Age
Father in Law John Graham Antill POCKLEY 1891 St Leonards, North Sydney, NSW, Australia 1918 France 27
Mother in Law Nancy Julia SARGOOD 1890 1974 84

Self Margaret Hume HAMILTON 1919 2006 87

Spouse/Partner Brian Edmund Antill POCKLEY 1916 1998 82

Events in Margaret Hume HAMILTON (1919 - 2006)'s life
Date Age Event Place Notes Src
1919 Margaret Hume HAMILTON was born
1998 79 Death of husband Brian Edmund Antill POCKLEY (aged 82)
2006 87 Margaret Hume HAMILTON died